Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19 ~ Favourite Blogs

On day 5 of this blogging challenge
I introduced you to
2 of my favs ~ one I have read since I started
and one I just started following this year

so since I have already introduced you to
I was to pick 5 more of my favourites
and I will tell you ~ it was hard to choose
so of course ~ there are more than 5!

is written by my sweet girl Simone
this is almost like a little but of cheating because I have been with her since the 
beginning ~ we knew each other before the land of blogging
but I still love it when I see a new post up from her

she is like a long distance sister
to me and I know in my heart that one day we will meet in person

is another Brit in the form of Louise
I love how she lays it all out there ~ her writing makes me smile
and she finds the prettiest photos to accompany her words

is written by Layla and Kevin Palmer
and they are the cutest little couple ever
they just bought a new house and are making it their own
the work they did in their old place was swoon worthy
and they are in the midst of adopting a baby ~ so much going on for them
visits to their blog and IG feed are eye candy

is written by Shannan
and don't let her fool you ~ she is a writer
some of her posts I snort laugh through
then others I sit back and go wow

Kim is the person that encouraged me to start blogging
I have proclaimed my love for her in the past
and she is a dear dear friend as well

I love finding local blogs and I found Michelle through a recipe on Pinterest
I will tell you ~ I have not been disappointed

I have been reading Cathi
since I first starting blogging ~ it is one of my go to places

and there are so many others that I love
even when life takes over and blogging takes a back seat
I get excited when I see a post from Mikal, Jane, Jackie or Lissa

Where are your favourite places to go?
Care to share?


Lou said...

Hey Lori - wow I am so pleased to see myself on this list - thank you so much! I have really enjoyed your blog everyday challenge so far - it's so nice to hear from you so often! And I can see I amongst friends here ;-) Lou x

Mikal said...

I've missed so much good stuff from you!!

I hope your vacation is restfull and fills your heart with JOY JOY JOY!

I'll be sending up prayers for your mom's surgery!

Hugs and love,
