Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Ramblings

Can I say wow
where on earth has the past 4 days gone
and now I sit here dreading going
back to work this morning!!

between unpacking, laundry,
errands, catching up on some must see tv
attempting to catch up on my blogs
and the events of the week-end

it's Sunday night again
and then the dreaded Monday morning

although it has been a cool and rainy week-end
it is so nice to see the daffodils blooming
and things greened up so much
while we were gone

of course I was glued to the tv on Friday

loved ~ loved ~ loved
it all!

we went to Mom's for supper on Saturday night
so nice to have everyone around the table
bbq'd steak and salads
and birthday cake for dessert

Sunday afternoon we headed to the camp
to spend the day with Trev's parents
another big dinner with the other side of the family
of course we distributed gifts
as we brought something back for everyone
just little things ~ coffee, jewelry and rum!

My boy's birthday is today

we celebrate exactly 2 weeks apart
and no gifts to each other this year
as we had a giant gift in the middle of them this year

I love you baby ~ hope this year is the best one yet!

I am still getting around to visit everyone
I have had to share some computer time with my beloved
and the desktop just does not move as fast as it used to
think I should buy my own laptop...

something to ponder.

Hope you had a wonderful week-end
and a super duper Monday.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Happy Birthday to your boy, and who ever else had a Birthday.

"Today, Justice"


Wasn't the wedding pure delight.

Glenda said...

Happy Birthday Trev! I hope it is a good one! No vacation stories or pics???? I'm so disappointed! I want all the details!

Cathi said...

Happy birthday to your boy!! :) The wedding was fabulous, I watched hours of the coverage and loved every minute of it!! Sounds like you have had quite the nice weekend, Lori! Glad to see you back! xxoo :) P.S. I agree with you about that monday morning going to work thing....haha...

Tara said...

Have a good week...with sunshine I hope!