Today I will celebrate
the fact that my Dad
would have had 70 candles on his cake this year
If he was still here....

he was taken away from me
quite suddenly...
He had a stroke
It was a bleed deep in his brain
paralyzed his right side
and took away his speech

We took shifts
and hoped for the best
but a seizure took him
into God's arms
and out of ours

I was angry at God for a really long time
you see he was so looking forward
to walking his little girl down the aisle
in August
he left us in January
at 61
too young...too soon
Some days my heart still hurts
I want to talk to him
and get a hug
and celebrate the good times
The memories are abundant
and I will cherish them always
This is him in all his glory
A little goofy
A lot of fun
and always Daddy
This is the last good picture I have
of Mom & Dad together
They taught me a lot about love
and marriage
and togetherness
They were my super couple
and hoped for the best
but a seizure took him
into God's arms
and out of ours

I was angry at God for a really long time
you see he was so looking forward
to walking his little girl down the aisle
in August
he left us in January
at 61
too young...too soon

I want to talk to him
and get a hug
and celebrate the good times
The memories are abundant
and I will cherish them always
This is him in all his glory
A little goofy
A lot of fun
and always Daddy

of Mom & Dad together
They taught me a lot about love
and marriage
and togetherness
They were my super couple

Oh Lori, this post brought tears to my eyes....particularly that beautiful second image of the shoes, what a powerful and beautiful picture.
I know how much you miss your Dad, particularly today on his birthday.....am sending you a big hug sweetie,
Simone xoxo
Lori, I'm so sorry that you lost your Dad at such a young age....at least you have wonderful memories and obviously had a lovely childhood and fun times together and had a great relationship.... I'm MILES older that you and my Dad died last year and I miss him desparately but he was 91 and had a brilliant life without a days illness and, as sad as it was, we celebrated his life as he reached a grand old age.....but, for you, your Dad was very young, so it must be hard. Try to be strong and remember all the good times and , not being flippannt, raise a glass to him tonight . XXXX
My heart goes out to you my friend. I know the loss and ache of losing a parent you are close to. I lost my mom in 1985 and still miss her terribly. It doesn't get easier, you just find more ways to cope. You did a lovely job celebrating your dad. I bet he would have loved it!
Glad that I could make you smile just a little bit today, Lori.....The White Farmhose said it.....Your Dad would have loved it. Lots of love. XXXX
Lori I love your post, what a beautiful tribute to your dad. I have tears in my eyes as I read and see your pictures.
I know loss too but not the same. Cherish the good times and sweet memories.
Love ya- Zizette
Oh girl I feel your pain. My husband dad passed away a little over a year ago and it is so hard. You miss them and just want to sit and talk and you can't. I'll be thinking of you today.
Big Hugs,
With the pain from the loss of my father-in-law still so raw, this brought tears to my eyes! I'm thinking of you sweetie and understanding your sadness. Just think of his love for you and that, one day, you'll see him again...
Lori - I totally understand your sadness at losing your dad so young. I'm sorry he's not around to share your life. I lost my dad 3 years ago - he was murdered in Florida and we all miss him so much everyday. We know that he is in our hearts with us, as is your dad and that someday we will all be together again. Until then, we cherish in the wonderful memories of our fathers.
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