Wow ~ 2 weeks
I know it is not a stretch for me to go this long between posts
but I feel like I lost a week
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in a way I did ~ slept it away
living on tea and toast
knocked me on my butt in a big bad way
I don't think I have missed more than 3 days of work
in a row
but I was out all week long
Wednesday I cried ~ Trev hugged me tight
I was feeling so bad ~ fever would not break
it was horrible
I started to feel human again last weekend
slowly building up strength so I could go back to work
and make it through an entire day without a nap
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I went back on Monday
and it has taken every ounce of strength
each and every day to just get up ~ put in my 8 hours
and get back home
I know ~ sounds wimpy but it was bad
and I am not a wimpy sick person
just sayin...
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I had the cutest little nurse though
it is amazing how they can sense when you are not well
and stick by you all day long
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this weekend will be laying low again
taking it easy as I need to get better ~ feel better
and drinking lots of tea with honey.
Happy Weekend.