Weekend before last we finally got down to the cottage
for an entire weekend
we could not have asked for nicer weather
sun shining and not too many bugs
my sidekick and I like to take a walk along the old road
Molly loves it as she does not need to be on her leash
as the traffic is now diverted ~ this is used for walking and the odd 4 wheeler
making its way through the countryside
our little cabin needs some work
now that the new deck is on and complete
it is time to scrape paint and give it a fresh coat
I am hoping to get it completed this year ~ weather permitting of course
I remember coming down here as a teenager
not appreciating the quiet and the beauty of it all
but on one of these moments back in the early 80's
I sat on the beach and wrote a poem
and titled it
Dorchester Cape
Looking across the water, I can see "The Rocks"
no one ever whispers, no one even talks
it is so calm and quiet, the water is so still
and I sit here wondering, if I could get my fill
of the pretty views, down here on the beach
the trees and the fog whispering, if I could only reach
of the pretty views, down here on the beach
the trees and the fog whispering, if I could only reach
reach up and pull the heavens, down right here with me
and I would be so happy, if they could only see
you see across the water on a clear day
you can see one of Canada's own little wonders of the world
this truly is one of my happy places.
Thank you for your comments and opinions on finding that balance
between blogging, social media and life
especially over the summer months
it is true that the computer has taken a back seat for me
during the nice weather ~ I tend to do more reading
and after working all day, spending as much time on the deck as possible
so if you think I have fallen off the radar ~ have faith
I am still here ~ reading every day
and commenting when I get the chance.
Hope you are enjoying your week!

Hello Lori
Your cottage is a perfect escape. Your poem goes beautifully with it's surroundings. I hope you continue to write poetry
How nice that you still remember your poem. It's so lovely and it's funny but I remember the one one I wrote when I was a little girl. What happened to the part of us that wrote poetry? Hmm.. I think that's a question worth pondering.
Love seeing the photos of your happy place Lori!
What a wonderful happy place you have there! Such beautiful scenery. I love your poem - I used to always write poems in my teen years too! Glad you enjoyed your getaway, they are much needed at times! Hugs and love to you, sweet one! xxoo
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