Monday, July 23, 2012

Ob-La-Di ~ Ob-La-Da....

I feel like I have been gone forever
although it has only been a week

busy days ~ working hard ~ lazy week-end

last week we celebrated 66 candles
on Mom's birthday cake ~ well it was a cupcake this year
and I sent up a silent prayer that she was here with us

I took the afternoon off and we had a bbq
we had some company in from out of town
I picked up the girls ~ we all made a salad
it was truly the perfect day

gotta love it when something like that can come together
on a Wednesday afternoon

things have been a little different around the house
as I now have a domestic god living with me

not really ~ but after 27 years 
my handsome husband was laid off
they cleaned out his entire department here
and gave them all a package

he decided he is going to take the summer off
and figure out what he wants to do
he got a good package ~ so we will be ok

so our summer has been full so far
of events ~ friends ~ family and sunshine

I am wishing for rain ~ just a day or two
in a row ~ slow and steady
give everything a good drink
then bring back the sunshine ~ coffee on the deck
and simple meals ~ lots of salads
and fresh veggies

oh how I love this time of year.



Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh girl sorry about your honey. Praying something awesome replaces his other job. Love your attitude to just relax and enjoy summer. How often do you get to do that!

Cathi said...

While I'm sorry to hear about your hubby losing his job, it's nice that he'll be able to relax thru the summer and take time to figure out where life is leading him next - wishing wonderful things for him and you too! Enjoy this time! xxoo


I am sorry, Lori, that your husband's job has ended. I love it though that you can have more time together this summer. I will pray for a wonderful new job at ... just the right moment.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Lori,
Losing a job can be a difficult time but, sometimes it can be a blessing in disguise and something much better can come along, which changes life for the better. These things often happen for a reason and turn out to be a change for the better. It's great that he got a good package and can take the summer to think about things and have the time to look for something else. I shall have everything crossed for him !!
After what seens like months of rain, we have temperatures up in the 80's ..... I really hope that it continues for The Olympics. It should be good for the Opening Ceremony but they say it will cool down at the weekend. You never know what you might get here in England. If it snowed tomorrow, nobody will be suprised !!!!
On a lighter note, I had the best cocktail EVER the other was a rose petal martini was like drinking liquid turkish delight with gin !!!!
Have a lovely week Lori. XXXX

Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your husband losing his job. I can truthfully say I know how it feels - we had the same thing happen but as it turns out it was the best thing ever!

Love your cosmos!

Mikal said...

I love winter time when Dave is off and becomes a domestic God in our house! hee hee Hopefully Trev doesn't get bored, and enjoys this little break. It's crazy to see long time employees go through this, but I'm happy for you both to have this little break together. I too will be praying that Fall brings the perfect position for him!

LOVE all your little Cosmos - I didn't do the planting that I normally do this summer - I sure miss those happy little blossoms!

Young at Heart said...

you can have some of our rain!!