Sunday, March 18, 2018

March On

You know it was almost a week into March before I turned the calendar.  The time flies so quickly that before you know it, it's a week, a month, a year later and you wonder ~ where on earth has the time gone?

I feel that way about this little piece of me.  The place where I posted pretty pictures and poured out my heart and rambled away for the past 9 years.  The people I have met through this page are many.  Friendships that I carry with me today although most are now via Instagram and Facebook.  I will admit that Instagram is my app of choice although I do miss my Friday Potpourri posts here ~ putting everything together was a creative outlet for me that I just may need to get back to.

When I left off in September, Samantha had packed up and headed across the bridge to PEI and college.  Gord and I took a day trip over and saw her new digs, did some shopping, had supper and headed home again.  It was a great day.

Katrina and her beau came home for Thanksgiving in October and decided they were both moving back from Saskatchewan.  There is no reason to stay in a place where you are not happy and what is that old saying about you can always come home.

October also brought wedding celebrations when Matthew and Morgan got married.  
Matthew is my best friend's youngest ~ the wedding was stunning.

we had a good time!

My brother landed in the hospital again in October and required open heart surgery.  
He gave us another scare and had quite the stint in the hospital again but he's still here.  
He's like a cat with 9 lives.

The rug was pulled out from under us in November when our cat, Cooper, was diagnosed with acute renal failure.  It was like he was fine one day and went downhill so fast that it tore my heart out.  We are still missing him, Molly the most as he playmate for the past 10 years is gone.  Trev has been hinting and mentioning about getting another kitty soon.

When the little miss came home for Christmas break we were off to the book store ~ a little evening out.  Missed her so much.

Christmas the family came together here for dinner Christmas Day despite an ice storm and then a snow storm on top of it all.  We are blessed with those that sit around the table.

New Years we did nothing and we were ok with that.

We have actually been low key for the new year.  I am not a wintry outdoor person so I pretty much go into hibernation mode when it is cold, snowy, icy ~ well pretty much winter!

So I am content inside whether it is puttering around, nesting, organizing, creating
like my cute little pillows I made out of tea towels.  I am actually quite proud of them!

This past week I was sidelined with a pretty bad cold.  I usually don't miss 3 days of work but the sinus pressure was horrible, like a vice across my forehead.  Thankfully I am feeling better and was out of the house today for the first time since Tuesday.

We had a birthday to celebrate ~ 50 candles for my girlfriend, so it was out to dinner and home by 8:30, in my jammies with a cup of tea with honey.  
I know ~ my wild life and on St. Patty's Day to boot!

As my last post ~ not sure who is still out there reading.  I do most of mine on Bloglovin now so the days of leaving comments are few and far between.  Documenting more for myself and dusting off the blog more than anything I guess.

Until next time