Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Potpourri

It's me ~ back again 
and on a Friday no less

Credit: Tetra Images Tetra Images Getty Images


I am finishing up a week of vacation and if I learned one thing this week
having time for myself really recharges my soul
I need down time ~ time to do absolutely nothing
or whatever I want is good for my well being

last weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada
and we spent Sunday at the camp
it was damp and raining off and on
but that was ok as it was the people who we were with was what mattered the most

Trev's Mom cooked the turkey, dressing and pie
and then we all brought sides
it made things easier for Barb and took that pressure off just one person
trying to do it all

my brother and his girlfriend joined us
and even though we have had some issues in the past
we have come together since Mom's passing
and have been not only civil but supportive of one another

it was one of Mom's wishes and I am thankful that things have worked out that way.



holiday Monday I was alone
as hubby had to work
it was windy, cold and raining
as we caught the tail end of hurricane Matthew
Molly and I snuggled on the couch
and watched tv ~ drank tea and read

I caught myself as I picked up the phone to call Mom
then stopped ~ I know this will happen now and then
and I am ok with the feelings that will come over me

truth be told I have been feeling quite numb
not a lot of tears and being the way I am
it freaked me out a bit ~ you see I am an emotional person
not a drama queen or diva ~ but things do affect me
so the numbness is not something I am used to
so part of my new normal is realizing that I am ok
and that the stages of grief are there and different for everyone
and each parent as I am learning


last week leading up to vacation I had 2 things on my list
that I wanted to get done while I was off
I completed one last night and still contemplating the other
too funny as I am a list girl all the way
but apparently I require a deadline



I had planned to take a photography drive yesterday
up early ~ I had my route planned out
where to stop for lunch and then an alternate route back

then my baby girl got sick ~ we went to the vet on Wednesday
and I really did not want to leave her alone for a full day
when she was not feeling 100%

so maybe today I will go on a little drive
with my camera in hand ~ the sun is shining and I do believe
it will be the perfect day to get some fall shots



we talked last night about the weekend and we decided it is time to
head to our little cabin in the woods and close it up for the season

then Sunday ~ who knows what the day may bring

until next time
