Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Potpourri

I was going to forgo today's regular scheduled post
but there is so much going on this weekend
I just wanted to celebrate and brag a bit




this afternoon I am leaving work early 
and heading on a little road trip
to celebrate the graduation of my God daughter
Jillian from university 


she has been trudging through her studies
and now 4 years later ~ she did it

her graduation is tomorrow
but tonight is about the ones that are closest to her
a little gathering to say congrats

she made the dean's list ~ again
I am as proud as a peacock right now
and I cannot wait see her and hug her tight

I also get to meet this little bundle

to say I cannot wait is an understatement
soon baby Mitchell ~ soon



then tomorrow I will head out to another celebration
the end of the year ceremony for cadet's

Samantha won Female Cadet of the Year last year

this is another one that puffs up my feathers
and makes me strut a little

oh how I love this girl!


then Sunday ~ Mother's Day
we decided to go out to dinner this year
less stress for everyone and I am so glad I came up with the idea!

The weather has been gorgeous this week
not just warm but hot
the plants are waking up ~ exploding with blossoms
happy happy days

Have a fabulous weekend.



helen tilston said...

Hello Lori

Your upcoming weekend celebrations sound delightful. Hugs to Mitchell, congratulations Jillian on a wonderful achievement and also to Samantha and lastly a very Happy Mother's Day
Helen xx


So much to celebrate, indeed. Enjoy each lovely moment, Lori.


Cathi said...

You lots of lovely reasons to celebrate this week, Lori! I have friends coming into to town this weekend as we are having a Celebration of Katie's life. There will be tears, lots of laughter but mainly showing our love for our fabulous friend! Hugs and smiles to you! xxoo

Farmgirl Paints said...

Happy weekend friend. Lots of good things coming your way.