Last week
Simone tagged me with
The Plastic Joy Award
Not one to back down from a challenge
I got my pencil out
and made my list
As part of this award, I need to list five characters (ie, not the actors who play them) who...well, who I would like to get better acquainted with...
believe it or not
I had a difficult time
making this list
it seemed every person I thought of
or character was from
a love story
I am a romantic though
so without further ado
Richard Gere
Edward Lewis on Pretty Woman
This is my favorite movie and he is the ultimate hero
coming to rescue the fair maiden at the end
Doesn't every girl want a hero?
Patrick Swayze
Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing
The bad boy but oh so sexy
I do not know anyone who did not fall in love
with Patrick after watching this movie!
Rob Lowe
Billy Hicks in St. Elmo's Fire
Another bad boy ~ do you see a trend here?
This is the type I went for in my late teens/early 20's
and this movie is on my all time fav list
Shemar Moore
Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds
This is one of my must see shows each week.
I absolutely love when he calls Garcia "baby girl"
and makes her feel like the most beautiful woman
in the room.
Simon Baker
Patrick Jane in The Mentalist
Although he is sarcastic and witty
on the show
I love it and cannot wait to see what
he will do next.
Plus ~ who would not love to get cuddly
with this hottie!!
Simone tagged me with
The Plastic Joy Award
Not one to back down from a challenge
I got my pencil out
and made my list
As part of this award, I need to list five characters (ie, not the actors who play them) who...well, who I would like to get better acquainted with...
believe it or not
I had a difficult time
making this list
it seemed every person I thought of
or character was from
a love story
I am a romantic though
so without further ado

Edward Lewis on Pretty Woman
This is my favorite movie and he is the ultimate hero
coming to rescue the fair maiden at the end
Doesn't every girl want a hero?

Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing
The bad boy but oh so sexy
I do not know anyone who did not fall in love
with Patrick after watching this movie!

Billy Hicks in St. Elmo's Fire
Another bad boy ~ do you see a trend here?
This is the type I went for in my late teens/early 20's
and this movie is on my all time fav list

Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds
This is one of my must see shows each week.
I absolutely love when he calls Garcia "baby girl"
and makes her feel like the most beautiful woman
in the room.

Patrick Jane in The Mentalist
Although he is sarcastic and witty
on the show
I love it and cannot wait to see what
he will do next.
Plus ~ who would not love to get cuddly
with this hottie!!
I shall pass this on to (with no obligation at all....)
The White Farmhouse
Recaptured Charm
Farmgirl Paints
Chez Zizi
Mikal's Landing
Happy Wednesday!!
You picked some good ones. I'll have to think on this a bit;)
Great list Lori, I loved reading this!
Got to love a man who can dance....Johnny Castle was a great character.
I hadn't heard of Simon Baker or Shemar Moore but me-likey ;)
Thanks for joining in :) xo
These are definitely hotties!!
You got all the hotties! I like your list though. Love CM and the Mentalist. I agree with you about Shemar Moore.
Hmmm.... now I got to think, think, think! Sorry Winnie the Pooh is on! Thank you so much for the award! You are just too sweet!
Love the list - Rob Lowe - have not thought of him for years!! And of course Richard Gere - I did the Plastic Joy list a few weeks back and I didn't even think of him! How could I have forgotten Richard?! You have reminded me of my past droolings for lovely men! Thanks x
I am having so much fun reading all these lists! Perhaps it's time for me to do one as well. Ah Rob Lowe - excellent choice!
Love your list, Lori...great picks! xxoo :)
You stole one of my lovers here, I have this tag to do over the weekend, I am so behind on this, and such a fun one!
LOVE Simon Baker! Total hottie. That being said, I really like Rob Lowe - and had the good fortune to run into him kayaking in Vancouver a number of years ago. Definitely a hottie.
Oh too fun! I'll have to think on this to come up with my list. :))
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