Here we are again
where on earth did May go??
So over the week-end I sat
and did what I do best
sit and think
and read blogs
no really...
I put a lot of thought into my choice
for Maggie's inspiration party for the
month of May

there was one blog I kept going back to
I love her style
and her stuff
she is always coming up with something new
things that I sit back and go Wow!
I cannot remember exactly
how I came across her blog
I believe she was working on her
front entry way
or her character building
not sure
not that it matters
but I went
and stayed
My inspiration person for
this month is

she is a single mother
and always on the move
doing project after project
and being a fellow Canuk
I felt akin to her somehow in
this big bloggy world
all of the pictures in this post
were borrowed from her blog
and I sure hope she forgives me
see what I mean
that is a bed frame ~ brilliant!
that had me head over heels in love
yes ~ I said love
painted wooden crate stairs
read all about it here
I wanted to fly her east
to do these for me
as I love them, love them, love them!
Every week she hosts
Saturday Night Special
and has tons of fun
she gives blog improving tips
fun stuff like
how to center your widgets
staging ~ how to take beautiful pictures for your blog
and she takes gorgeous pictures!
learning how to center your widgets may not
be a great post
but for beginners like me
her help was greatly appreciated!
This is a special picture for Donna
one that I know she holds close to her heart
so I just had to use it.
run on over
I promise
you will not be disappointed!

Thank you Maggie
for hosting such a great event!
Want to join in on the fun
head on over to
The White Farmhouse
and link up!