Yesterday my Facebook status read...
There are some places you can go and totally be yourself ~ no expectations and no judgement. Last night was one of those nights so thank you Tracey for hosting our little girls reunion and thanks to Susan, Krista, KellieAnn, Tammy, Kim & Laurie for showing up ~ sharing stories and making us all laugh ~ what a wonderful group of friends. —
feeling blessed.

I have talked about this group of friends before
they are the ones that you love to see ~ not just to play
"remember when"
but to invest in their lives ~ find out what is new
how are the folks, the kids, the pets
sharing stories
I always say thank goodness for FB for helping us keep in touch
and plan gatherings like this one and the lunch date I had last month
Kim, Sue, Kellieann, Krista, Tracey, Lori & Tammy out front |
I got all sappy at one point of the evening and said
you know ~ I wasn't worried about having to have my nails done
or my hair coloured
I could come here in sweats and know that I would be welcomed
with open arms
we have seen each other at our best and our worst
in happy times and sad ones
we have wiped away tears and baby spit up
we talked about everything under the sun
who have you seen? do you know where so and so is now?
music ~ what are you listening to?
tv shows ~ don't you just love Deacon on Nashville?
and of course we did a LOT of reminiscing as well
I have a hat box full of trinkets from my 17 years of working here
and leave it to Kellieann to dig into it and surprise us all out in the gazebo
with a little impromptu fashion show
this is Laurie ~ closest thing I had to a big sister for a whole lotta years
she was my manager ~ my mentor ~ my friend
she was the one that would give me an 11 am wakeup call on Sunday mornings
when I was a carefree single living on my own
good times ~ good times
I miss that we do not see each other that often anymore
but with 2 kids ~ involved in sports ~ well there you have it
she does have a new puppy so we talked about a dog park date soon!
we missed a few that were able to make it last time but not this one
and a few that were planning to come but couldn't
the only way to remedy that is to have another one sooner than later
looking at these pictures make me smile
I truly am blessed.