Hello there!
Is everyone enjoying their week-end?
Ours started off with a snowstorm on Friday
but luckily it only started late afternoon
so I got to have a lazy morning
then out to run my errands
and cozied up on the couch for the night
Trev spent most of Saturday shoveling
while I painted the bedroom
this is a shot of our next door neighbor
so you can see how truly crazy
the winter has been!

Cathy stands about 5'-6"
so that will give you an idea on how high the snowbanks are
around here...
and we still have the month of March
honestly I do not know where we will put any more!
So today I will do a bit of a reveal
because it is not totally done
curtains are not yet made
my photo project is not complete
and we still need to get a new light fixture
then the flooring will be done in the spring....
So this is the before picture:
and here is how it looks today:
the headboard turned out really well
as it went from this
to this
the wall color is a rich mocha
although the pictures really do not show
how nice it really is
I am really pleased on how it turned out
and I am a little excited
thus the reveal before it is totally finished.
I have veggies roasting in the oven
and the popcorn is ready for tonight
I cannot wait to watch the red carpet show
for the Oscars.
Enjoy your Sunday
and I will see you this week.