This post is one of the hardest ones
I think I have ever written
when my Dad's sister came down this year
she came with a purpose
the farm has been sitting
without care, without heat
for 2 years now
it is deteriorating
and getting worse as the time goes on
back in the 70's
it was signed over to the 5 kids
so that was my Dad, his brother and sisters
there were a lot of items distributed at that time
to the family members
along with an auction to sell off other things
when Grampy passed away
in 1994
more things were divided up
but there were still things left there.
Last summer some items were taken out of the farm
without permission of the remaining 4
it is something that has divided the family
made things very hard
I feel out of sorts
and out of it mostly as since Dad's passing
we don't have a say anymore about what goes on...
so when 3 of the 4
gave me the opportunity
to go in and take a look around
I was looking for memories...

knowing my love for dishes
and the memories these ones brought
I was tickled pink to get these....

I also love all things "Eaton"
as I worked there for 17 years.

Aunt Sue, Heather & I went through some of the items
that she packed up to take back with her

we spent an evening going through papers
and pictures

lots of treasures

these were a fixture in the old kitchen
I remember them well...

loving this old scale

this is my great grandmother Helene
sorry about the picture quality ~ and the glare!

my great Uncle Earl

this is my grandmother and her sister

this is my g
Great Grandmother's high school
entrance certificate ~ dated July 1899
These were some of the items that I wanted to get shots of
before they were packed up and handed down
to the next generation.
Gina and I were lucky enough
to go back in while she was here
and go on a treasured memory hunt of our own
more on that to come...
