I am so excited because on Thursday night my best girl is flying in for a little get-away. My best girl is my cousin Gina ~ we live 1000 miles apart, but know that if we needed each other we would be there in a heartbeat. Our grandfather used to call us two peas in a pod and he was a very wise man. Though lots of laughter and many tears we may have lived far apart but are always very close in heart.
Back in the day when we were both young and carefree, she would come down every summer and sometimes I would make it up to Ontario too so we would see each other at least once a year, if not twice. Then life happened ~ marriage and children ~ you know ~ life and traveling became harder and more costly. So when we do get a chance to get together, we jump at it.

Last year she flew down and on Friday night we did this ~ yes I still have a working turntable:

Saturday we went to the market then back to the house for some of these:

And had a BBQ with some of our peeps and had some more of these:

This is our cousin Dianne ~ she enjoys these as much as we do!
Then too many of those led us to the living room which led to a little air guitar:
my brother Gord getting in on the funOn Sunday night we had chick flick and pedi night:

Of course we did much, much more....then all too soon we had to say good-bye at the airport:
I think this was before the ugly cry!
So you can see we always have loads of fun together. I have a few tricks up my sleeve for this year and will share them this week. I have already put her favorite sheets on the bed in the guest room and rearranged the closet. I am also compiling a CD of fav songs of the past for our week-end that includes some Bob Seger, David Bowie & Bon Jovi.
I cannot wait!