Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Women that Made Me ~ Grammy Brown

This is my Gram  ~ Vera

not Grandmother or Nanna or Granny

to us she was simply Gram
or Grammy Brown to most that knew her

I grew up with this lady
like having 2 Mom's in your house ~ which is not always easy
but as I got older ~ I did appreciate how much richer my life was
because of it.

My Mom worked and Gram took care of us
until we were old enough to take care of ourselves after school
and she got a job working at the corner store

I remember staying up with her when she got home
as she worked until 11

we would watch the soap Santa Barbara together
as it came on at midnight
then head to bed when it was over ~ good times
this is the woman who taught me how to knit
it was slow going ~ I had a hard time with a scarf
but she stayed with me and I stuck with it

she loved making the recipes that her Mom used to make
and told me stories about her parents
coming over from England ~ their journeys through life

she was old school with her cooking though
cooked the crap out of everything
she could make broccoli grey ~ not green ~ grey 
and we would tease her about it

she was a huge part of my life and my heart broke in two
when she passed away

when I made her butter tart recipe during my recent challenge
Mom said to me ~ "Gram would be proud"

I hope so....


  1. beautiful story the love for your gram shines through.
    Bec x

  2. What a fabulous story about your gram! That's what my kids call my mom too - Gram. She sounds like a wonderful lady! I used to watch Santa Barbara too - loved that show! Loving this series, Lori! xxoo

  3. Beautiful story. Your Gram sounds like a gem!

  4. What a wonderful tribute to your Gram, Lori. I had a special bond with my Grandma too and my Mom will often make comments like your Mom did. "Oh Grandma would like that," she'll say. When I use her brooch or her tea cup in my posts. I know my Mom still misses her SO much..
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  5. I've missed SO MANY of your awesome posts without my computer!!!!

    Love love love your series on the women who made you! I can't wait to read them all.
