Monday, March 25, 2013

Patience is a Virtue

I am a planner
but I am also a do-er

waiting is not something that I do well
I need action and answers

so when I decided I was going to try and tackle the stucco removal
in the craft room ~ I had a plan
I could see the finish line 
the finished product so to speak

so I started gathering ~ pinning favourites
choosing colour for the walls
and thinking of ways I could use
the fabrics I already have
both vintage and new


 then taking inspiration from Becky's art room
I knew I wanted lights
and these are so cute ~ I know they will be perfect

this is the perfect project for the vintage buttons
I got from the farm ~ I can see it framed now

I love this


and taking the mini bunting idea from this pillow
using vintage fabric from the farm
and making something using an existing frame 
I already have


again taking inspiration from this photo
using pictures and quotes that I love
to make the space my own


I have so many pieces of fabric
from my grandmothers quilt box
I am hoping to use them for something like this


I also love this garland
and will be heading to the flea to look for some old sheet music
to make my own

so I need patience as we are waiting on the drywall guy
and then I need to get the carpet up
that the previous owners of the house
glued to the floor ~ yup ~ right on the cement

so until all these jobs are done
I cannot get in there to paint
and set up
then start to create all I want to do

I have finished it so many times
in bed at night while attempting to drift off to sleep
does that ever happen to you
I know it does!!

Hope you had a great weekend

the shower was perfect
it was a great day for those who had to travel
and it is always a great day 
when you are surrounded by good friends
food and conversation.

Have a great week.


  1. It sounds like your room has come together, even if it's only in your mind at the moment. I do that all the time, I get a vision of what I want and little by little it comes together - I'm not good at waiting either. Haha. Start working on all those wonderful projects and the time will fly by. Have a fabulous week, Lori! xxoo

  2. girl it's going to be aMAZing!!!!! i can hardly wait to see it finished. now i'm off to see if i can find that pillow. that had my name written all over it!!

  3. To make a room just right, you have to do lots of research and thinking late into the night !!!! It's going to look lovely Lori ...... all of these projects take time, that's all. We have lived in our house for 27 years and we are still decorating !!!!
    Have a lovely week Lori. XXXX

  4. Lori, I really love your style. All your inspiration photos are so lovely especially the twinkling lights and the vintage bunting, how sweet. You're so lucky to have inherited fabric scraps it makes your projects so much more special. I'm excited to watch what you do in this room. And I can relate, patience is hard for me too when I think I'm 'ready' for something :)
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  5. I want to come & help you!!

    You have such great ideas here Lori...I absolutely love the button flowers. How great that you have vintage items, you are going to create such a special space Xx

  6. I can't wait to see it all completed! And shake your finger all you want at me, but I am SO moving a few of those pins up on my to-do list! LOLOLOLOLOL
