Saturday, November 26, 2011


One of our yearly holiday traditons
is I take a Friday off
near the end of November

grab Kat & Sam after school
and we go shopping for their Christmas presents
from Trevor & I

I used to get off pretty easy
a trip to Wal-Mart
a painful 2 hours in the toy department
then a quick pick of an outfit
and we were done

my how times have changed!

Although yesterday was Black Friday
in the states
Canada has not quite reached the pandemonium
of our neighbors in the south
and thank heavens for that

off to the mall we went and after 4 hours
and a food court supper
I dropped them off ~ a little poorer
but my ~ what a great time we had

we did go to Wal-Mart
and goofed around a bit with the Santa hats
as you can see

they make my heart sing ~ these 2 girls of mine.

Today the Christmas music is on
and I am in the midst of getting the decorations out

in an attempt this year to simplify
I am once again failing miserably

I guess I am much too attached to some of my material things
but you know what ~ that's ok
I will be fa la la la laing!

I am throwing around the idea of going out to the 
local craft fair tonight ~ still up in the air on it
I may just have a nice long bath
and snuggle in with a movie.

Hope you are having a wonderful week-end
and that your heart is full of joy.



  1. I feel the way you do...just a little overwhelmed by the rush of things, the crowds, the little bit of time we have to do 10,000 things! I DO NOT go out on Black Friday! Many of the online stores offer the same prices and sales with free shipping. In fact, I did quite a bit of shopping in my PJ's last night!!

    Love the fun pictures, Lori. Have a great time putting up your decorations and be sure to share them! :-)


  2. It looks like a fabulous time! I have been puttering around the house all weekend rearranging and decorating while sipping on my baileys. I went to a few stores yesterday but not at the mall. Happy Sunday! xxoo :)

  3. Got mace? Of course not. Because they mayhem has, thankfully, not spread North. I have 2 gifts purchased and everyone else is getting TOMS shoes. Delivered to the door. Period end of sentence.

  4. This is so cute. The snowman appears to be sitting inside, looking longingly outside. I'd love to have one like this to add to my collection. He's so cute and fuzzy.

    Great blog. I found you through Pinterest and, of course, I pinned this little guy.
