Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Potpourri

Hello lovelies

Happy Friday

via Home taken by the wonderful Jackie

 it has been a very long week
and I only worked 
4 days...

 I want to thank you for 
all the wonderful comments this week
you sure know how to boost a girl's spirits

this week-end will be full of cleaning supplies
slow cooked meals
blog reading ~ playing catch up again
and relaxation

I still have a few Christmas things left to pack away

we are trying to get through all the leftover candy
so I can jump back on the wagon

the salad wagon that is

wish me luck!

Wishing you all a wonderful week-end



  1. Hi Lori - what a lovely and inspiring post...and love that shot by Jackie. She is a love isn't she?! I have a giveaway on my blog you might like - come see. Lou xx

  2. Dear Lori,
    What a lovely positive post, filled with so much gorgeousness !!.....and, you are so lovely to show one of my photos.....the snow has all gone and it doesn't look so pretty around here now.....just grey and rainy.
    I think that we are all eating up all of our naughty Christmas treats and then it's back to the healthy eating plan. Lots of love Lori and put your feet up and have a restful weekend. XXXX

  3. Love the sheet music flowers. Now I have to figure out how to make some of those! I am so glad that you are feeling better. Just know, I will be doing the same if I ever dig myself out of this pile of taxes I am trying to organize for the accountant. Yuck! Everyone gave me jammies and a bag or box of candy. Guess that is a hint at what I should be doing? I already feel my butt getting bigger!

  4. Happy weekend sweet girl! I'll be doing the same exact things! I wish I had just a few decorations to put away though. All mine need to come down!

    Those paper flowers are stunning... need to find directions for them! LOVE your "Sing" necklace, that is so cute!!

    Stay cozy and relax. Hugs to you!

  5. Beautiful post, Lori!! I have tossed out the rest of my holiday candy and have gotten myself on my new treadmill...I am in dire need of shedding a few pounds, but more importantly I want to stay healthy!! Happy weekend, my lovely friend! xxoo :)
