Friday, November 5, 2010

Stomp Those Grapes!

Good morning Friday
so nice to see you

it has been a long week
still not feeling 100%
but much better than last week-end!

I was hoping to be in tip top shape 
because tonight I am attending

the Grand Tasting Session

there are 12 of us from work
we have our tickets
and are ready to roll!

it is my first time
and I am really looking forward to it.

This week-end I have lots on the agenda
plus spending some quality time with hubby
as he is headed out of town next week on a course

Hope you all have a wonderful week-end!


  1. Oh Lori,
    What a chore to have to go to a wine tasting !!!! hahahahahahahahahaha.
    I think that it is the greatest way to spend your weekend.
    Have a great time and I hope you take pictures, so that we can see you all at the end of the evening, filled to the brim with wine !! XXXX

  2. I hope you feel much better so that you can really enjoy the wine tasting. I have only been to 2, but had a fantastic time at both!

    Have a great weekend with hubby!


  3. Sounds like a grand time. Can't wait to see and hear all about it.

  4. Now that sounds like a fun evening with your girlfriends!! I can't wait to hear all about it! Have a lovely weekend, and I hope you feel 100% soon - I have caught that cold so will be doing alot of resting this weekend! Much love to you! xxoo :)

  5. What a fun way to start the weekend!

    I finally have a full weekend off, and will spend it spoiling my sweet DB who has been covering while I'm working so much lately. I DO plan on getting some tulip bulbs planted and transplanted though. I think they are my favorite spring flower!

    Have a great time,

