Monday, February 22, 2010

Days Off

It's a long time
between New Years and Easter

so I usually book a day off
sometime in February
just to take a break
and get a long week-end

Today is that day

It's already 10am
and I have not done a thing yet
except for drink coffee

watch tv
and play on the computer

I am still in my jammies
oh ~ yes ~ I ~ am!

Now there are things that I
should be doing


I am still thinking....

I could clean the house
yeah ~ ah no...

I could work on my
project of the month
for February

since there is only 1 week left

we will see
I know one thing for certain

I am not planning on leaving the house!

Have a great Monday



  1. I had one of those days yesterday and it was wonderful! I am off to work this morning, however. The weekend is far too short! Have a great day off doing whatever you please, Lori! xxoo :)

  2. Enjoy your day off! I am doing the same so far here too. Except I got a house of happy "snow day" kids here. Congrats on your loss too! That is awesome! You are going to be one lean mean Canadian machine soon! Keep up the great job!

  3. Lori, you need to move to Ontario where we get Family Day. This year it was February 15th. Was WONDERFUL! Come on over ! lol

  4. Enjoy your day off, I had a pj day yesterday, loved it!

  5. How lovely.....good for you :) xoxo

  6. Dear Lori,
    Have a great day and don't you dare change out of those jammy's !!!! XXXX

  7. Oh Lori have a wonderful week off. I hope you get to do every little lazy thing your heart desires:)

  8. sounds like a lovely, relaxing day! I've wanted to stop by forever. I've thought about you frequently. I was just so busy getting ready for my company. It's nice to "see" you again! :)

  9. sounds like a lovely, relaxing day! I've wanted to stop by forever. I've thought about you frequently. I was just so busy getting ready for my company. It's nice to "see" you again! :)
