Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Red & White

Hello there!


Molly ~ July 1st, 2010
To help kick off our Canada Day celebrations
hope you enjoyed my selections of red & white

Happy Wednesday!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Monday!

did the sun shine for you this week-end?
no ~ not here ~ not me

it was cold ~ damp ~ dreary
and drizzly here all day Saturday

it did not stop me though
I was on a mission ~ so after lunch
Miss Molly and I picked up Mom
and we headed to Dorchester to plant

and now Daddy has some pansies
and I feel better

we then took a drive down by the shore
and went into the cottage
you know ~ with the weather so crappy all sping
and we have been so busy
we have not been down to spend the week-end yet
and that my friends is a sin...

the flowers are gorgeous
all in bloom ~ I had to take some shots

I only stopped along the road once
much to my dismay
with an impatient mother and a dog in the car
I forfeited some of my favs
so they will have to wait until another time!

after last week-end we really needed some down time
and that was what we got

Sunday we took down all our window coverings
because today we are getting our new windows
Yipee!!  I am excited!!

these are not them ~ but you know I needed a shot for my story!

This week is a busy one
but it will be a short one as Friday is
Canada Day

Hope you all had a wonderful week-end
and that the week ahead is full of sunshine and smiles!


Friday, June 24, 2011

My Canada ~ The Great Canadian Blog Bash!!

I am so excited to be participating in

Every month when I get my Canadian Living magazine
the first thing I read
is the last article ~ My Canada

I love the stories
written about places all across
this fabulous country or ours

so when I was planning my blog bash post
I knew exactly what I was going to do

come with me ~ to my little piece of heaven
down a dirt road

to Dorchester Cape

I grew up here on week-ends
it is the place my Dad was born and raised

coming down the hill looking off to the left
is my grandparents farm

many a good time was spent in this house
my grandmother was always doing something
and the smells from her kitchen were heavenly


we walked up and down this road many times
to the beach and back
for swimming and bonfires
in the winter it was sliding and snowshoeing
and some snowmobiling too

in the early 80's Mom & Dad decided that they had enough of camping
and wanting a more permanent place to spend our week-ends
so with land that was bought from a relative for $1.00
Dad cut down some trees ~ took them to the mill
and built a little cabin in the woods

it's not much ~ but it's ours
and it is my quiet place
my do nothing place

walking the road taking pictures of wildflowers

or down by the beach collecting treasures

 or just lying in the hammock and reading a book

eating what we want ~ when we want
naps are always welcome

now my little beach is on Shepody Bay
which is part of the Bay of Fundy
if you stand on our beach and look across the water
you will see Hopewell Rocks

Sandstone pillars of the Hopewell Rocks, on the New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world, with billions of tonnes of salt-water flowing in and out of the bay, twice a day... every day.

have you heard about the New 7 Wonders of Nature
well the Bay of Fundy is in the running to become one of the 7
so take a minute and give a shout out to Canada
and cast your vote here

I truly love my beach
rocks and all!


Now for a little giveaway!

I am pleased to present a little something
that I love and use on a daily basis

this is a proud Canadian company
started back in 1991 in Victoria, BC

the spices include:
Lemon Dilly ~ Cheese, Chive & Bacon
and 3 Onion

with this little trio you can make 
Epicure's Extraordinary Cheese Dip
and it is to-die-for!

all you have to do to enter is:

be a follower and leave me a comment
it's that simple!

this giveaway is only open to Canadian bloggers this time around
but don't be sad ~ I have a little something else up my sleeve
that I will be revealing soon!

the giveaway will run from today until July 1st
and I will announce the winner
on Monday ~ July 3rd

Happy Friday!!

you do not need to be a follower to enter the giveaway!
Sorry about that!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We ushered in the first day of summer yesterday
and it was 14 degrees here
that's about 57 F people

it is chilly ~ so when is Mother Nature going to 
turn up the heat a bit so we can enjoy

the beach without a sweatshirt

flip flops without freezing our tootsies

ice tea on a hot day

and heaven forbid ~ an ice cream cone!
I missed my regular scheduled Monday morning post
to tell you the truth
the week-end kicked my butt ~ big time

we never stopped ~ but we had a blast
both of us were feeling a bit under the weather on Sunday
and I only felt like myself again on Tuesday

I am getting old

staying up late and drinking too much
= a tired tired Lori

I took my camera to the BBQ on Friday night
and since I was stationed at the welcome table
it did not make it out of the bag
I did not get one shot over the entire week-end!

I was hoping that some would be posted on line
that I could scoop up and share
but not yet ~ so my friends ~ I have to wait
and so do you!

I am happy to report that the local berries are in the stores
so I scooped some up tonight
and hope to make another crumble tonight

Hope you all had a great week-end
and that the sun is shining wherever you are!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Potpourri

Hello lovelies

I am feeling the love this morning
the sun is shining
the birds are singing
it is a perfect spring morning

sheets are ready to go on the line
now if I could only stay home and enjoy the day
it would be perfect

this week-end is going to be a busy one
with all the anniversary celebrations
for the fire department

then I have to pop into an open house
as a dear friend's parents
is also celebrating 50 years
of wedded bliss

then of course Sunday is Father's Day
and I always go to the cemetery to plant
on this week-end
but unfortunately this year
there is no time
but I think
Dad would understand...

I will be spending Sunday at the camp
celebrating my father in law

a retired train engineer
and always there when I need him

and missing my Daddy like crazy.

Hope you all had a sunshiny week
and that the week-end is filled with laughter
and good times.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there
don't forget to give them a hug
and hold on with all your might.
